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Why the work-life balance is important?

Why the work-life balance is important?

Do you feel burned out or overwhelmed? Then you are not having a work-life balance. Do not you think that you put your health at risk?

Let us see why it is important to have work-life balance.

When you aim to succeed in your work life, you put your all effort for it and leave a little time for other parts of your life like family, hobbies and personal happiness.To have mental and physical health, it is vital to have a healthy work-life balance. If not you will lose productivity at work and connection to your personal life.  Even science has shown that the more overworked you are, the greater the risk you have for heart failure and stroke (Stahl, 2018).

At work, prioritizing a healthy culture and cultivating a happy workplace the environment promotes work-life balance. When employees are happy in their roles, the workplace will feel like their second home and will not only work for the paycheck (Kohll, 2018). It will be less stress for employees, less stress for companies and importantly it will increase the creativity of the employees.

TIPs for Work-life balance

01.  Play to your strength
02.  Prioritize your time
03.  Know your peaks and troughs
04.  Plot some personal time
05.  Have set work hours and stick to them
06.  Find time for your finances
07.  Manger your time, long term
08.  Make your workspace work for you
09.  Tap into technology
10.  Make exercise a must-do not a should-do
11.  Take time to make time
12.  Know and nurture your network
13.  Do what you love
14.  Be realistic
15.  Step out
16.  Get a business coach
17.  Meet clients halfway, literally
18.  Manage your time
19.  Take a break
20.  Have that holiday.

According to Thornthwaite (2002), Main factors shaping diverse preferences are the stage of the life cycle, parenting phase, household model, country, gender, class position, occupation, and carrier orientation.

However, everyone desires a different work-life balance. Some people live to work and others work to live. The first group like their work so much and it can consume their whole entire life. Social life and chilling will not be in the priority list. But the second group prioritizes their free time over their work-life and have a job that allows that. Therefore a good work-life is finding a work and life that makes you happy and caters to your desires.


Kohll, A., 2018. The Evolving Definition Of Work-Life Balance. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 20 September 2019].
Stahl, A., 2018. The Importance Of Work-Life Balance -- And How To Achieve It. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 20 September 2019].
Thornthwaite, D. L., 2002. Work-family balance: international research on employee preferences. Sydney , acirrt.


  1. Thank you Anupuma for the much needed information in present condition, take a break and give space to your personal life and it will help to improve your work quality. As you mentioned need to make our work place as our second home. Thank for sharing.

  2. Interesting article , nicely explained , thanks for sharing this.

  3. Nicely explained , thanks for sharing this.

  4. Interesting article and nicely explain. thanks share your knowledge in this blog. good luck.

  5. Interesting one, Work-life balance will definitely create work quality & the satisfaction.

  6. Good as well as timely discussion Anupama. In present context employees need to have a balanced work and personal life which energize employee to give his maximum towards organization.

  7. My personal opinion is to keep our work life in an optimum level where it should not crash with our personal lives. Job is a need in our lives where job is not our life.


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