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Why we need Knowledge workers?

Why we need Knowledge workers?

Who are knowledge workers?

Peter Drucker has first invented the term “knowledge worker” in his book, The Landmarks of Tomorrow in 1959. He defined high-level workers who apply theoretical and analytical knowledge, acquired through training to develop products and services. He stated that the knowledge workers would be the most valuable assets of a 21st-century organization as their high level of productivity and creativity. They can be professionals in information technology areas such as Programmers, web designers, system analysts, technical writers, and researchers.  Also, this group can include pharmacists, public accountants, engineers, architects, lawyers, physicians, scientists, financial analysts, and design thinkers.

Knowledge workers are said to think for a living, not like blue-collar laborers who are paid for carrying out physical tasks. The number of knowledge workers, who are to solve complex problems or to develop new products or services is growing continuously as organizations move forward giving independence to their employees. Knowledge workers paid high salary compare to physical workers.
Knowledge workers are factual and have theoretical knowledge. They access and apply information to solve problems. Also, good communication skills assist them to work closely with other employees in decision-making, goal setting, and brain-storming sessions. This group must be interested and motivated in finding a new information and use them in their work (CFI Education Inc, n.d.).

Why Knowledge workers are important?

According to Cohen (2011), in the last century, knowledge workers became more productive and helped the market grow. Developed and developing economies give extra weight to knowledge work over industrial skills and organizations will need to find ways to increase productivity. Originations that maximize the productivity of their knowledge workers will have the advantage.

A knowledge worker contributions will serve to expand the knowledge assets of an organization. It will be difficult to measure but it increases the overall value of its intellectual capital. They build effective teams, communicate in a structured way, create, share and maintain knowledge, align time with strategic goals and negotiate the next steps to take the organization to the next level.

Employers recognize knowledge workers as assets of the organizations who hold unique talents and skill, than ordinary employees who perform repetitive jobs. The nature of knowledge allows the workers to gain leadership skills as they work as their won bosses habitually and enjoy greater freedom to perform new tasks every day.


CFI Education Inc, n.d. Knowledge Workers - Who They Are and What They Do [WWW Document]. Corp. Finance Inst. URL (accessed 9.25.19).

Cohen, J., 2011. ‘Companies must treat knowledge workers as assets’ [WWW Document]. Financ. Times. URL (accessed 9.25.19).


  1. Good article Anupama, organizations need to have knowledge workers with them if they want to sustain in the market. The knowledge people are bridging theoretical to practical also they help to grow and to take your organizations to next levels. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Interesting article , nicely explained , thanks for sharing this.

  3. "According to Cohen (2011), in the last century, knowledge workers became more productive and helped the market grow" now a days companies seeking for multi talented persons for their jobs..Nice article.

  4. Interesting article and nicely explain. thanks share your knowledge in this blog. good luck.

  5. What an awesome article of knowledge workers. A country like Srilanka to reach the expect productivity must create more knowledge workers. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Implicating this segmentation in an organisation cause two classes and one is who have knowledge and talent another class is who do not. Encouraging one class in an organisation will mislead and damage the organisation in the long run because of a blue-collar worker also essential to increase the performance in a larger firm, and we need to recognise them as knowledge worker who is contributing in his job role.

  7. Most of the organizations prefer on the job traings where they set strait to the sea,but people who have knowledge can perform better in such it is obvious that knowledge workers are more important.

  8. Great argument Anumpama, the way you explain topic and arguments are execllent.

  9. Agreed with your post. Really we need knowledge workers. As you say that Employers recognize knowledge workers as assets of the organizations who hold unique talents and skill.
    Thanks for sharing.

  10. Indeed knowledge workers are an asset to the organization but organization should know how to utilize their maximum & value them.

  11. Very useful article Anupama. Specially a country like Sri Lanka is in need of skilled workers so knowledge plays a vital role. Good one.

  12. Hiring skilled workers is also a bit of challenge for modern HR professionals where they need to make sure that they also fits the organisational culture. Nice Article.

  13. Knowledge workers are the key to a success of an organization.Specially in a competitive business environment.Thanks for sharing this article.


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