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Why a personal development plan is important?

Why a personal development plan is important?

What is personal development?

Personal development is a continuous and enduring process of nurturing, shaping and improving skills and knowledge to ensure maximum effectiveness and ongoing employability. Also, this is about empowering individuals to improve their performance and reach their full potential at each stage of their career.

What is personal development plan?

Personal development planning is the process of
  • 1.       Creating aims and objectives including what you want to achieve or where you want to go, and the target time frame.
  • 2.       Creating current experiences
  • 3.       Identifying needs for skills, knowledge or competence
  • 4.       Selecting appropriate development activities to meet those perceived needs

Personal Development Cycle

 Why the personal development plan is important?

Personal development is an import phase of life which each one of you should strive for and its benefits for your lives. It could be articulated using the SMART principles, making it Specific, Measurable, Applicable, Realistic, and Realistic, and Time-bound. A personal development plan provides a structure to identify the arrears of strength and weaknesses. Also, it will create a guide that will enhance and capitalize on their existing skills and capabilities.

Learning is a constant process. Development is a progressive process in everybody’s life. Personal development plan provides time for self-reflection. It should actually be an open door for you to inspect what are the opportunities you can work on that are really going to support you succeed and do something about it (Mariano, n.d.).

What are the benefits of personal development?

According to Ricardo (2017), the initial step of personal development is self-awareness. To you to achieve lasting happiness, you have to know who you are, your values, beliefs and what you want to follow in life. We call this as the self-awareness. With this, decision making will be easier. It will assist you to prioritize the things which produce value and leads you to achieve your goals. Which means it helps to make decisions. With this, it is easier to be motivated in achieving your goals.

After deliberating most of the facts about personal development and development plan it is time to think about “what was the last thing you have done to improve yourself in the last 6 month?”.


Mariano Oliveti, n.d. Why is it important to create, and review, your Personal Development Plan on a regular basis? [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 9.24.19).

Ricardo, D., 2017. What are the benefits of personal development? | GB Training. GB Train. Birm. URL (accessed 9.25.19).


  1. Personal development is much needed process for each and everyone to construct their life. Learning is one of the key element to develop yourself. Thank you for sharing, the article make us think about our personal goals.

  2. Interesting article , nicely explained , thanks for sharing this.

  3. "According to Ricardo (2017), the initial step of personal development is self-awareness. To you to achieve lasting happiness, you have to know who you are, your values, beliefs and what you want to follow in life.", yes with out self-awareness we can not successful in our life.

  4. Interesting article and nicely explain. thanks share your knowledge in this blog. good luck.

  5. People are the most important resources for the organisation. Each and every the resources are handled by the human resources. So every other devolpment are depending in people. Why we think twice. Lets plan the work & then work on plan.
    Thanks for sharing with attractive manner.

  6. Self development plan is much needed since it is starting point of motivation.

  7. Specially a country like Sri Lanka should focus on grooming which is also a part of personal development. Just my idea. Thanks for your valuable set of information Anupama

  8. If you are in a personal development plan, you have more time to do much work in a more organized manner. Interesting article.


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