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Why the design of work/job is important to an organization?

Why the design of work/job is important to an organization?

Functions and the activities of an organization and the relationships between them called the design of work at an organization. Work design decides whether the employees retain a longer or shorter period of time with the organization. Employees may leave the organization if they are not happy with the work or job design of the organization. Therefore this affects both individual employees and organizational outcomes (Armstrong, 2006).

All work activities will effect mentally and physically on employees. Therefore the job and work design should identify the suitable facilities, furniture, machines and tools to match with the employee's attributes, capacities and activities of the employee to perform well. The best performance will come when an organization has a person-environment fit work design.

Positive, suitable and effective work environment will improve the commitment of the employees, self-motivation, performance, job satisfaction, mental health and also will reduce turnover and sickness absence (Gervais, 2017).

According to Chimoriya (2016), job design helps to select the right man at the right job. Job satisfaction and commitment of employees is high in this scenario. And this self-motivated and directed employees need lower level supervision and this reduces the supervision cost as well.
Design of work shows the carrier path to employees and assist them to gain knowledge, enhance capacity, and participate in training and development sessions to improve their skills and talents which will make a huge impact on their performance.

Having a high-performance work design with multi-skilling, encouragement, and training makes self-managed teams which set up with full responsibility for planning, controlling and monitoring the work (Armstrong, 2009).

After all the design of work is important to the organization as it is the basis of motivation to employees. Well-designed job role or work increases the productivity, quality, innovation, and wellbeing of the organization. When the design of work aligns with the organizational goals it is stress-free for employees to perform the activities to achieve the same goals.

Design of work has evolved and continues to evolve to meet the demands of a forceful work environment to have a sustainable organization.

(MBA 101 Strategic HRM, Job Analysis & Job Design)


Armstrong, M., 2006. A Handbook of HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE. 10th ed. London and Philadelphia: Kogan Page.

Armstrong, M., 2009. Job and Role Design and Development. In: ARMSTRONG’S HANDBOOK OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE. s.l.:Kogan Page, pp. 466-476.

Chimoriya, B., 2016. Job Design: Process, Benefits or Objectives, Methods in HRM. [Online]
Available at:

Gervais, R. L., 2017. Definition of work/job design. [Online]
Available at:


  1. You have pointed some important facts about job design, the employee retention with the organization and career growth support from work design. When considering these facts can assume that job design is essential and provide benefits to both employee and employer.

  2. Good blog Anupama, effective Job design is directly improve the productivity of the job and the happiness of the employee who do the job. How does it effective for the banking sector? Thanks .

  3. good explain Anupama. we can get knowledge about Why the design of work/job is important to an organization. Thanks for sharing your knowledge..

  4. Your topic incraese the Motivation of employees & reduce the stress. It has dual advantage to both organization & employees. Appreciate your effort.

  5. Interesting article , nicely explained about Why the design of work is important, you stated that "All work activities will effect mentally and physically on employees" it's become a common issue . thanks for sharing this.

  6. According to Chimoriya (2016), job design helps to select the right man at the right job.
    But when comparing with sri lanka we never found a job which suite to our capacity.

  7. Importance of job design explained well. Skill Variety, Task Identity, Task Significant, Autonomy and Feedback are dimensions of the Job Design and as you are in the banking sector do you think that these dimensions are met in a banking sector to increase employee performance?

  8. Job designing helps to fit right employee to the right work, that is why it is important part of the process.

  9. Nice to read this! Job design makes the work more interesting and challenging, which motivates the employees for higher level of performance. The challenging and interesting job provides better pay for the employees which inspires them for better job performance. Thanks very much for sharing.

  10. Job design decide the capacity of work amount which an organization plan to extract from an employee and meeting the expected work levels will reward employees. Good article Anupama

  11. Proper job designs can motivate employees and enhance their moral to work in a more effective way. Intention to leave the organisation is very low and loyalty is high. Good job Anupama.


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